Musical Bowls


The sonorous bowl.

The sonorous bowl in all its glory.

Thursday, 24 May, 2007, began as a day which kvetch and I had arranged to go do some shopping in the afternoon.   I needed some whole spices, and there were some other messages we needed to get done.   And at the end of it all we were going to be a meeting with some friends in Keatings for some vigorous conversating.

So into town we toddled, got our messages done, and as a matter of course, stopped into a wee housewares shop which changes its stock frequently.

    (the shop is wee, not the housewares)

We were in search of the kind of bowls I like, but the size of which are difficult to find except in very well stocked Asian shops.   You know, the size of a bowl which Asian restaurants serve soup noodles in, the kind of bowl which can hold enough soup noodles to make an ample meal?

Anyhow, that day we ended up with two rather interesting finds.   Well, actually there were three, but I wasn’t to know about the third til we were at the till, right at the end of the purchasing experience.

I’ll get to the third find later.   But now, the first find.   :)

About Lady Lubyanka

I am a 45 year old musician, and also a multisexual, polyamourous, Jewish, socially dominant woman within my romantic BDSM relationships.
This entry was posted in Audio, Dublin, Food, Interesting musical instruments, Music making, serf, Silly. Bookmark the permalink.

5 Responses to Musical Bowls

  1. Arafinwe says:

    Dear Lady Lubyanka,

    After a hard day slogging through building codes and trades contracts, after banging my head against the wall and producing nothing evenly remotely musical, I was absolutely delighted to hear this charming little tune. After I stopped laughing at the explanation, I listened again,…..and again. The only reasons I can fathom for the urge to listen repeatedly are that; one, it’s just plain catchy, and two, it is highly hypnotic in nature. I shall forever now think of my soup as sitting in the orchestra pit.

    Grins and chuckles,

  2. Lady Lubyanka says:

    Hello Arafin,

    How nice to see you here. :) Yes, I do see how the repetitive rhythmical motif could have a hypnotic effect, hehe. Perhaps I’ll sample that bowl sound and do a bigger piece out of it, for an induction maybe?

    I have eaten soup in an orchestra pit, and believe Me, it isn’t pretty. :p Besides, they aren’t “soup bowls” as such, well, to be honest, I’ve been having trouble finding a precise thing to call them. I suppose “soup bowl” is as good as any, although to Me that indicates something smaller than these are.

    I’m very glad My composition perked up your day. :)


  3. channel flea says:

    Hi Lubyanka and kvetch. You are sorely missed from the other place. Be good to each other.

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