Prostate Milking – The Movie

Ok, this is it, you’re nearly there!

The Final Lead Up To The Cool Part

Ok, we’re coming up to the part where the dominants can really enjoy themselves. All that stuff before is all part of the tedious learning of stuff that has to be learnt just so you can get to the good part.

And now you nearly have! :)

I mean, it is really so very, very important not to damage your submissive needlessly, especially if that damage is going to prevent your submissive from being able to serve you in ways which you enjoy.

And I can’t think of any reason whatsoever, why your submissive (or you) should have to get all sick, or diseased, or infected, or injured through lack of hygiene or appropriate care taken when you should have done. I think that’s just stupid.

So by now you’ve hopefully worked your way through Eric’s reproductive organs and mechanisms, the delicate structure of Eric’s anus and rectum, all the hygiene and glove related stuff, and the list of known possible medical risks.

Hopefully by now you’ve learnt a whole bunch of cool words like “epithelial” and “periprostatic” and “histology”. I promise, those cool words are going to make you the life of any party. You are going to be so popular. Those words are the “New Black”, I swear. Next season everybody’s going to be using them, you’ll see. ;)
Final Warning

    (if you’re a submissive and you’re still reading, you still have time to stop before it’s too late. I just thought I’d give you the chance to turn back. Just so you know. Ok, that’s the last warning, promise)


Ok, This Is The Final Furlong Before The Special Feature, I Swear

Orgasm control is a powerful tool which any dominant can use for training and managing their submissives. I don’t think it takes a genius to work out the benefits for the dominant if your submissive associates his pleasure primarily or even exclusively with you. :)

No matter how much control your submissive has relinquished to you, and no matter how much of that control you may choose to take charge of, it’s almost always possible to have more control in future than you have at the moment. That is mostly because, as you go along, you learn about exactly what is there for the taking. I don’t think it’s possible to take proper charge of something which is unknown to you. And of course, if you don’t know something’s there, you can’t very well take it and own it.

If your submissive is like any submissive I know, and you’re like any dominant I know, then he will adore giving up that extra bit of himself to you, and being owned that bit more by you, and you will adore being given that extra bit more of himself, and owning him that bit more.     :)

So go ahead and take that tasty extra bit of control over your submissive, which he’s really longing for you to take, and from which you can gain enormous benefits. :)

This Is It – The Fun Part For Dominants – Pavlovian Conditioning

You may remember having learnt at school, university, or maybe you read somewhere about Pavlov and his dogs. He conditioned them so that they salivated upon hearing a bell ring. All animals, including humans, are responsive to being conditioned in this way.

Instead of conditioning your submissive to salivate, your aim is to condition him to decrease the intensity of his pelvic muscle clenching and emit his semen gently, rather than by orgasmic contractions and pulsing ejaculation.

If you want to train your submissive to achieve this result from being milked, I suggest that you begin by always calling it his “Milking”, and use Pavlovian type conditioning to combine and associate recognisable ritual and objects with your desired result.

Important Things To Note

Your submissive’s conditioning will be most effective if you know your submissive, and take his individual personality into account. Using words, actions, and items which he likes, will more likely evoke a much stronger and more positive response than using reinforcers which he feels repelled by.

  • Reward based conditioning has often been shown to evoke much better, stronger, and longer lasting results with fewer undesirable side effects, when compared with punishment or aversive conditioning.

Your submissive is much more likely to respond positively to your conditioning if you work with his desires rather than against them. For example, if your submissive feels repelled by humiliation, then he is likely to resist responding to those terms which he feels are humiliating. So if he feels humiliated when any part of him is referred to as “slimy”, then he is more likely to resist responding to any conditioning which contains “slimy” references to him.

It is certainly possible that, if done correctly, the conditioning will work at least somewhat as you intend no matter whether you take his desires into account or not. But there may be undesirable consequences to this type of conditioning.

  • If you disregard your submissive’s desires, and use terms, items, or actions which your submissive finds repellent or otherwise dislikes, then his conditioning is likely to be accompanied by some unexpected side effects which both of you will find undesirable.

For example, he may well respond as you require, but he will also have unpleasant associations with that response. So he will have gut feelings of wanting to avoid responses and behaviours which you actually want him to embrace.

The power of conditioning is very strong. I would recommend that you get to know your submissive, learn what he likes, what he dislikes, and use that information in reward conditioning to get the very best from him. After all, he wants to please you. Errors made in conditioning could result in him having terribly unpleasant feelings regarding pleasing you, and that would be a shame.

  • Conditioning is much harder to undo than it is to achieve in the first place.

I recommend checking with your submissive (whether subtly or overtly) if there are any specific terms you want to use but aren’t sure how he’ll respond. It is best to do these checks when you are doing and discussing things other than the milking.

For example, it is probably best to avoid using the term “conditioning” with your submissive, unless he is specifically attracted to that term. With kvetch, I find that using the term “training” works much much better.

My experience is that words are very, very important. It does matter which words you choose to use. There can be a world of difference in the results you get, depending on whether or not you use words which attract or repel your submissive.

  • Your success or failure can rest entirely upon how your submissive feels about specific terms you use.

Even if two different words mean similar things, and both seem the same to you, his feelings about them will determine how he responds. Remember, he is the one being conditioned here, so his feelings will be critical to your success or failure.

For these reasons, as part of your learning process, I recommend getting in the habit of avoiding the use of emotive terms which can evoke unpleasant responses in many people (such as “bastard”), without first checking (whether subtly or overtly) how any specific submissive is likely to respond to a specific term.

The Conditioning Part

My kvetch dislikes humiliation, its related treatment and behaviours. So in this guide, I have avoided using humiliating terms which might result in undesirable side effects.

If your submissive feels attracted to humiliation, then you may substitute suitable terms in the appropriate places. My advice would be to chose a certain term, or set of terms, and use those consistently in the same contexts during the same situations. This will help you achieve optimal results.
Setting Up The Ritual
Uniform and recognizable signals must be given in order for the conditioning to be successful. Once your submissive has established unconscious connections in his mind between the signals and his response, the same stimuli will always evoke the same responses.

The desired stimulus/response reflex can only be achieved with careful and meticulous training. Certain items and words must be used consistently during the conditioning if there is to be any hope of achieving the desired outcome. With careful training, the same items, acts, and words will result in the same response, time after time.
Ritual Equipment

  1. A box of clean, medical grade, single-use, disposable, non-allergenic gloves
  2. Wet wipes (alcohol wipes are good)
  3. Liquid soap in a pump bottle
  4. A nail brush for washing hands thoroughly
  5. Water based lubricant (I like Liquid Silk)
  6. An elegant, good quality container in which to store all of the items
  7. A chair or rug, or some other recognisable location to always use for this purpose, and only for this purpose.

  9. Terms to be used only when speaking of this procedure:
    • Milking Time” for the day of the procedure
    • Milking Place” for the chair, rug, or other milking location
    • Milking Equipment” for the contents of the container mentioned above
    • Milking Hand” for the hand you always use to milk your submissive
    • Gentle Emission” for his non-orgasmic release

The box must be really attractive to both of you – well finished, with or without a lock, and big enough to hold everything comfortably. The important thing is to have a container which represents the respect and reverence which your submissive must have for this whole milking business. So the container really cannot be just any old box you happened to have around. It must be special.

You can choose your own words to use if you don’t prefer these, just as long as you’re aware that whatever words you choose, it is important to use them consistently in the same ways. For the purposes of this post, I will be using the terms I mentioned above.
Acquiring The Ritual Equipment
To acquire the ritual items, I recommend that you and your submissive shop together, in an expedition planned solely for the purpose of purchasing all of the Milking Equipment and a well-finished box for storage.

You could do it by yourself, or send him out by himself, but the important thing is to make the shopping expedition and purchases very significant and memorable to your submissive. Then the items you acquire will retain some of that significance right from the start. So I recommend a planned shared shopping trip, dedicated to this purpose.
Setting Up The Conditioning
Conditioning must begin meticulously. It is extremely important that these certain special items start off their presence in your submissive’s life with specific associations in his mind. It will not do to just use any old items, words, or places for the milking. They must be established as special in some way, or permanently converted into being special after having been mundane. If necessary, get a special chair or milking furniture from a second hand shop, and use it solely for milking.

    Extra care taken now at the beginning will save you time and effort later when his conditioned responses are that much stronger than they otherwise might have been.

You must establish a chair, rug or other place as the Milking Place. During the first three months, it must only be used for this procedure, and always be used for this procedure. In order for this method to be effective, your submissive must acquire strong associations between the place, the equipment, and the milking.

Instruct your submissive to keep the special box with its contents of milking equipment in a place of honour. He could be asked to maintain a perpetually burning candle in front of it at all times, or to keep a high quality fabric cover over the box.

The dominant must wear one disposable glove on her Milking Hand during the milking. Over time, your submissive will establish associations in his mind between the sight, sound, and smell of the glove, and having a gentle emission. After he is fully conditioned, when he is positioned in the Milking Place the simple act of his dominant placing the glove on her hand may evoke the gentle emission response.

A Milking Time must be established during conditioning. This must be on the same day each week, and always at the same hour of the day. His growing anticipation as the time draws near will help him to train his reflexes. This is an important signal in the conditioning. The submissive must know what is coming if he is to be expected to respond to it. His increasing anticipation will help remind him what is coming and what he has to do. With proper training, he will soon learn to produce a gentle emission on demand.
Once a week, over a period of three months, the only sexual relief you will allow your submissive to have must solely be through being milked. This procedure is designed to train him to have only the gentlest of muscle contractions when he emits his semen for you.

At Milking Time your submissive must have prepared himself in advance by urinating, and/or having a bowel movement. He must have thoroughly and carefully washed his penis, scrotum, perineum, and anal areas with soap and water. He is also to have prepared the Milking Place however you require and instruct.

Teach your submissive how you want him to present you with the box containing the Milking Equipment. He must present it to you punctually at the appointed time. It is very important that you use and enforce these terms and procedures without exception, because that will strengthen your submissive’s association between them and Milking. Not doing so will result in your submissive not having anything to make the Milking association with.

There is no need to rush any of this, nor is there any benefit to doing so. Take everything nice and slow. Be absolutely sure about everything you are doing. It is far better for you to take your time and ensure that you do everything correctly each time, than it is for you to be inconsistent and sporadic. Inconsistency and unreliability will result in inconsistent and unreliable responses.

The Procedure

And now, for the part you’ve all been waiting for….

    (Drumroll please, maestra)

First Things First
Your submissive must have prepared himself in advance of the appointed time by visiting the excretorium for his required excretions (liquid and solid), and the ablutorium for his required soapy ablutions of his penile, scrotal, perineal, and anal areas.

Those having been completed, your submissive must present himself to you punctually at the appointed time, carefully holding the box of Milking Equipment. He must kneel for you, and offer you the box. You must refrain from accepting the box at first.

Question him, ask him about his goals for being Milked, and his plans for pleasing you. When he asks you “Please Mistress, may I be Milked?”   (or whatever title you choose),   you may then respond by telling him about how it will give you great pleasure to have him give you a gentle emission.

Then ask him if he will do his best to help you help him to give that to you, and wait until he promises to do his best.

Tell him how much you are looking forward to his gentle emission, and how disappointed you will be if he has a strong orgasm instead. Ask him to tell you how much it means to him to please you by promising to do his best to achieve a gentle emission for you.

After he makes his promises, have him extend his arms and offer the box to you again. Take it from his outstretched hands. Reverently remove the liquid soap and the nail brush with great respect. Handle and treat each item as if they were very special and important.

    As indeed they are, as they are helping you gain more control over your submissive.

Carefully hand the box back to your submissive, instruct him to go to the Milking Place, kneel there, and wait. Ask him to contemplate on how he will assist in seeing that the Milking is the gentle emission you desire, which will help him to give pleasure to you.
Getting Started
At this stage you will need to go and wash your hands according to the hygienic hand cleansing procedures specified.

After what you consider to be an appropriate delay (and which should be a similar delay each time), and when you’re ready, go to the Milking Place. Ask your submissive to remove the wet wipes from the box and hand you one at a time, as you require. Ensure he does this with great respect, and that he treats the items with special care. Have him present his anus to you. Clean him thoroughly in the perineal and anal areas (even though he will already have washed himself beforehand). Use the same cleansing procedure and the same number of wipes each time.

During this time, tell the submissive what is going to happen, how much it will please you to have him comply and have a gentle emission, and what a good submissive he will be to you if he succeeds for you.

Have your submissive reverently remove the water-based lubricant from the box, and have him squeeze, pour, or pump plenty of lubricant onto your fingers. Hold your hand out in a very formalised way, to help ensure that he does all of this with special care, in a way which he will remember.

Now you can direct your submissive to assume the agreed milking position.

For the milking position, I favour a position where the submissive is on his knees and elbows, his head resting on his forearms or hands, shoulders down near his forearms, his back arched, and his bottom nice and high up in the air, presented for your easy access. I think it’s a nice humbling position for a submissive to be in, and I find that this position promotes feelings of service and submission in kvetch.
The male reproductive system

                                  The Male Reproductive System

Gently stroke your submissive’s anus (with firm enough pressure not to tickle) in circular motions with your lubricated finger for a few minutes to help relax him.

    Take your time.

Carefully ease your finger or fingers into your submissive’s anus. Simply poking the sphincter with your finger is likely to result in your submissive tensing up instead of relaxing and accepting your finger.

When he is sufficiently relaxed and ready for you, and you have pressed gently, with gradually increasing firmness on his anus, you will feel his anus kind of sucking your finger in.

    Forcing this part is likely to result in some unpleasant side effects as described above. You really do want your submissive associating you and this milking with pleasantness.

    You should probably also have a re-read through the stuff about the anus and rectum, and the medical risks again, before using your submissive as your guinea pig, just to be on the safe side.     :)

Move your finger(s) carefully through the anal canal, and along the area of the rectum towards the front of his body. Your fingers should be moving in the approximate direction of his navel.
Polo Mint

                            A Polo Mint     © Nestec SA

The prostate gland will feel like a round polo mint with a dip in the centre (or at least, that’s how they feel to me). Gently stroke the prostate along its sides, taking care not to press on the central area, where the most sensitive nerve endings are located.

  • Keep your fingernails well clear of any contact with the prostate. This is really not the best time for a fingernail fetish.
  • Finger pressure on the prostate must remain less than (or at most equal to) the amount of pressure suitable for rubbing your eye.

Anti-Clench Training
Strong pulsating muscle contractions during ejaculation are the primary source of male pleasure during orgasm. Until your submissive is properly conditioned, it is reasonable to expect that he will instinctively try to increase his pleasure during the Milking. He will begin to clench certain muscles as he approaches orgasm, thereby trying to have stronger contractions and a more pleasurable experience.

You aren’t trying to remove his ability to experience pleasurable orgasm, you are simply adding to his repertoire of skills.

The way to address the muscle clenching behaviour is as follows:

At the first twitch, clench, or other indication of increased pleasure, you must immediately (but carefully) remove your hand and refrain from Milking for a full minute. Sixty seconds can feel like a long time, especially when aroused. It is, however, necessary to wait out the full sixty seconds prior to resuming.

Carry out the same procedure each time you feel him try to clench. Every time you feel or suspect the slightest muscle twitch, carefully but immediately remove your finger(s). During that sixty seconds, you can give your submissive positive messages about him and the procedure, and how he can help please you. You can say things such as:

  • How well he is doing
  • How much you will enjoy his gentle emission
  • How disappointed you will feel if he has strong contractions
  • How much you are looking forward to his gentle emission
  • How any strong muscle contractions will deny your pleasure in his gentle emission
  • How much you would like him to relax and do his best to give you the gentle emission which would please you so much
  • How pleased you are with his efforts

And so on. This, in conditioning terms, is known as reinforcement.

Sometimes you can ask him to count the sixty seconds aloud. You can stroke him tenderly with your other hand during this time (as long as it’s in a non-sexual way), to let him know that you’re still there, you’re not going anywhere, you still care about him and want him, and that the 60 second break is not a punishment, but just a necessary part of the process.
About The Gentle Emission
You will know his gentle emission has occurred, because it will start with a little squirt from his urethra, which should be followed by a slow, more or less steady stream of semen. The gentle emission is differentiated from an orgasmic ejaculation by the fact that the orgasm is characterised by the semen squirting out in pulses.

Once his gentle emission starts, use a finger to firmly stroke the underside of the penis from root to head. This helps to empty the urethra, when it would otherwise normally be cleared by the the muscular contractions.

During the gentle emission, it’s important for you to positively reinforce and praise your submissive for succeeding in giving you just what you wanted. You can tell him things such as:

  • How this gentle emission is just what you wanted
  • How well he did for you, and how pleased you feel with him
  • How much pleasure he’s given you
  • How much you enjoyed the success of his efforts
  • How excited and pleased you are he was able to do as you asked
  • How good he is, and how splendidly he did for you
  • How he will be rewarded with a full orgasm sometimes, once he is fully trained (I would recommend using the term “trained”, and avoiding using the term “conditioned”. See above.)
  • How he must be completely trained in being Milked before he can return to having full orgasms
  • How you are going to consider a reward for your good submissive, after he proves his ability to consistently give you gentle emissions from being Milked

A Note On Reinforcement:     Positive reinforcement must be used when appropriate. Praise is a necessary component of successful conditioning.


If you are considering using this method of conditioning to reduce or eliminate your submissive’s ability to ever experience pleasurable orgasms, then my advice is:


Doing that would needlessly dispose of one of the most powerful control tools available to you. As far as I’m concerned, such an exercise would be worse than pointless, it would be self sabotaging for you, and harmful to him.

There are many obvious disadvantages for both you and your submissive if his ability to experience pleasurable orgasm is reduced or eliminated. Most dominants are unlikely to benefit from reducing or removing a submissive’s ability to experience pleasurable orgasms.

As far as owning and controlling your submissive is concerned, one of the most powerful tools available to you is his pleasure, and your ownership of his pleasure. How much can a dominant use their submissive’s pleasure as a tool of control, if his ability to experience that pleasure is severely reduced or eliminated? If you reduce his ability to experience pleasure, then you have also reduced your own ability to control him.

So, if you are considering this option as a way forward, just don’t, ok?

Just don’t.


Using the method described above will give you total control over the type of orgasm your submissive experiences.

If you successfully create strong associations with the Milking time, place and equipment, then your submissive will be conditioned produce the desired gentle emission every time he sees all of the ritual items and is told that he is to be Milked. Once your submissive is fully conditioned, you can revert to allowing him monthly orgasms or some other schedule of your choosing.

The only caution is to only use the special Milking terms exclusively for when you want him to have that type orgasm.

When you want to allow him a pleasurable orgasm with strong muscular contractions, then just do so without using any of the special Milking items or words. If you want to feed your submissive whatever he expels, use your non-gloved hand. Aside from hygiene reasons, this is so the submissive comes to regard everything associated with Milking to be special. If you apply these techniques successfully, then your submissive will have gentle emissions whenever you want him to.


Ensure you are familiar with the material in the support resource pages

  1. Eric’s Reproductive Anatomy
  2. Eric’s Reproductive Physiology
  3. Eric’s Reproduction – Concised
  4. Eric’s Anus And Rectum
  5. Eric’s Prostate Health And Medical Risks
  6. Hygiene
  7. Choosing Appropriate Gloves

Ritual Equipment

  1. A box of clean, medical grade, single-use, disposable, non-allergenic gloves
  2. Wet wipes (alcohol wipes are good)
  3. Liquid soap in a pump bottle
  4. A nail brush for washing hands thoroughly
  5. Water based lubricant (I like Liquid Silk)
  6. An elegant, good quality container in which to store all of the items
  7. A chair or rug, or some other recognisable location to always use for this purpose, and only for this purpose.

  9. Terms to be used only when speaking of this procedure:
    • Milking Time” for the day of the procedure
    • Milking Place” for the chair, rug, or other milking location
    • Milking Equipment” for the contents of the container mentioned above
    • Milking Hand” for the hand you always use to milk your submissive
    • Gentle Emission” for his non-orgasmic release

The Milking Procedure

  1. Your submissive must first urinate and preferably also defecate in order to maximize the relaxation of the perineal and rectal area.
  2. He must also carefully and thoroughly wash his entire genital, scrotal, perineal, and anal areas with soap.
  3. At the appointed time, your submissive must come to you, kneel, and present you reverently with the Milking Box. Do not take the box.
  4. Question your submissive as to his desires, until he asks to be milked, and agrees to comply with your desire for him to have a gentle emission.
  5. Take the box, and reverently remove the liquid soap and the nail brush.
  6. Carefully return the Milking Box to the submissive and instruct him to kneel in the Milking Place, and contemplate how he will assist in serving you by doing his best to give you a gentle emission.
  7. Ensure that your fingernails are trimmed and filed, and have no jagged edges jutting out.
  8. Thoroughly wash and scrub your hands with the liquid soap and the nail brush.
  9. Return to the Milking Place, and instruct your submissive to reverently remove the wet wipes from the Milking Box.
  10. Instruct your submissive to hand you one wipe at a time, and use them to clean your submissive’s anus and perineal areas thoroughly. Use the same number and method of cleaning each time.
  11. Talk to your submissive and remind him what is going to happen, and encourage him by telling him how pleased you will be with him if he succeeds in having a gentle emission. Emphasise your pleasure.
  12. Instruct your submissive to reverently remove the water-based lubricant, and to pour or squeeze some on to your fingers. Ensure your fingers are very well lubricated prior to insertion.
  13. Instruct your submissive to assume the agreed Milking position.
  14. Help your submissive relax by gently and firmly stroking his anus.
  15. Carefully insert your finger or fingers into the submissive’s anus. Move your finger(s) gradually through the anal canal, and along the area of the rectum in the approximate direction of his navel.
  16. You will feel the prostate gland, which feels like a large round polo mint with a dip in the centre. Gently massage it with a light stroking along its sides, taking care not to press hard on the central area where the sensitive nerves are located. Avoid touching the prostate gland with your fingernails.
  17. Your submissive may experience a disconcerting sensation that makes him feel a need to urinate. Urination will not happen. Reassure your submissive that it is a temporary sensation because the prostate is adjacent to the urinary bladder. Ask him to do his best to try to disregard it, and continue with the milking.
  18. At the first twitch, clench, pulsation, or other indication of pleasure or approaching orgasm, immediately (but carefully) remove your hand, and refrain from milking for a full sixty seconds. Repeat as necessary throughout the procedure.
  19. After anything between a few minutes and 40 minutes, the prostate gland may be stimulated enough for a gentle emission to occur.
  20. Praise him well if he has succeeded. Express your disappointment if he has not, but still praise him if you know he did his best.


The Endathon

Thank you for reading my Prostate Milking resource. I hope you found it useful and informative.

Hell, I just hope you weren’t too bored.   ;)

If you’d like to review the material at any time, you may um, review the material at, um, any time.   :p

I can tell you one thing for nothing – I’m bloody glad to have got all this finished after over a month of working on it!

Now you can get on with it, and I can take a much needed break and go out for a bevvy.   :)

About Lady Lubyanka

I am a 45 year old musician, and also a multisexual, polyamourous, Jewish, socially dominant woman within my romantic BDSM relationships.
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58 Responses to Prostate Milking – The Movie

  1. pleasemayi says:

    Dear Ms. Lubyanka,

    A MOST excellent piece of work. This slave can only envy Your kvetch…

    kneeling in submission at Your feet,

    pleasemayi (slave jan)

  2. suzycockette says:

    What a wonderful full explanation.

    suzycockette is so envious of Your submissives!

    Dainty curtsey

    sissy maid suzycockette

  3. subdomonic says:

    Dear Ms. Lubyanka,

    it was an honour to read the description above and i can only envy the slave that has such a caring Mistresss.

    How i wish that i could be controlled and nurtured into submission like this.



  4. Your Loquaciousness,

    The necessary (but tedious) assessment and monitoring phases of my job having been completed, I have at last been able to turn my attention to your magnum opus. I had not done so earlier as I had wanted to give it my full attention without having any worry about work deadlines interpose themselves into my awareness.

    So on to the anatomical and behaviourally interesting bit. I’m astoundingly impressed by the work you must have put in and the depth of your research. It’s a great read and it shows not only your trademark wit (I loved the ranty outtakes) but also your high ethical standards with your stress on the important safety considerations. The need for accurate and readable information on this subject is pressing and, while I’m still skittish about the idea, I applaud your work.

    From a science standpoint, I thought you’d got almost everything spot on and I wish my A’ level human biologist could use technical terms with such facility. All in all, you’ve done a great job and I love the Pavlovian nature of how you’re using this technique.

    So, to sum up:

    1) Still not going to try any exploration there yet; I’m waiting for the memories of the medical explorations to fade;

    2) The conditioning aspects are fascinating;

    3) You’ve done a noble thing getting this information available, especially given the misinformation out there;

    4) The effort you’ve put in is astounding

    5) Your knowledge is almost flawless and is impressive in its depth.

    So a great informative read and I’m not sure how to end this as normally, commenting on writing with such scientific content, I’d end with a grade and doing that here would be a bit patronizing wouldn’t it? And you know what the grade would be anyway!



  5. Darling Mr Longwidget,

    Thank you so very much for your exceedingly validatory comment! I’ve read it many times, and keep going back to read it some more. I hugely enjoy your effective validation and approval. On the other hand, me being who I am, I also find myself with some conflicting feelings responding to what you wrote, mostly positive, and some a bit more neurosis-driven (who knew :p ).

    The Positives

    I’m astoundingly impressed by the work you must have put in and the depth of your research.

    I’m absolutely delighted that you appear to appreciate just how much work went into this construction. It was indeed an extended, lengthy, exertful (and sometimes painful) effort, and it’s such a pleasure to have that recognised.

    It’s a great read and it shows not only your trademark wit (I loved the ranty outtakes)

    It’s such a relief that you found it a great read. I tried so hard to make the material accessible to most people, and whether I succeeded remains to be seen (the actual “prostate milking” post gets by far the most visitors, disappointingly), I’m very glad you personally found it easily accessible.

    And yay, wit. :D

    also your high ethical standards with your stress on the important safety considerations. The need for accurate and readable information on this subject is pressing

    I’m tremendously pleased that the important safety considerations appear to have been made clear. Those were forefront in my mind the whole time I was writing, especially when trying to wade through the scariness of most of the resources out there. I’m so glad you appreciated those. :)

    2) The conditioning aspects are fascinating;

    Wow, aren’t they just! I felt just riveted, especially with regards to how conditioning integrally relates to hypnosis. I think hypnosis is really no more than an amplified delivery system for conditioning (at least for my purposes). I think hypnosis is meaningless without the conditioning – a perspective which appears to escape most hypno-fetishists. I mean, conditioning can well be done without hypnosis, but hypnosis accomplishes very little by itself without the conditioning.

    There’s a huge amount of stuff out there about hypnosis, but very little about what messages to optimally deliver once a person is hypnotised, so obviously this area was of great interest to me. :)

    3) You’ve done a noble thing getting this information available, especially given the misinformation out there;

    Noble, moi? Ok, I guess I can accept that the two month period of suffering I endured to (mostly) complete this work was “noble”, even if my issues make it difficult for me to accept that characterisation.

    Still, I will accept the fact of my personal effortful nobility on your say-so. :)

    (and I also accept that doing a noble thing doesn’t necessarily represent my imbuement with nobility as such, so sue me for making the leap ;) )

    4) The effort you’ve put in is astounding

    Your repeated validation of my efforts is entirely and muchly appreciated. :)

    From a science standpoint, I thought you’d got almost everything spot on and I wish my A’ level human biologist could use technical terms with such facility.

    5) Your knowledge is almost flawless and is impressive in its depth.

    Your validation of the accuracy of the knowledge I gained from my research, and how I’d written it up all nice and readable, is very reassuring, thank you. :)

    normally, commenting on writing with such scientific content, I’d end with a grade and doing that here would be a bit patronizing wouldn’t it? And you know what the grade would be anyway!

    Lol. It’s been such a very long time since I submitted any work for assessment for any kind of specific “grade”, it feels quite peculiar to think my work might be given one! I find myself wondering how such a grade would be calculated, given that I don’t know what the assignment was, hehe.

    I’m thinking, if the assignment was to research Pavlovian prostate milking techniques in a power exchange context, and to document a firm medical foundation as a basis for that safe practice, then I’d likely get quite a good mark – maybe an “A” for factual content, a “B+” for kink (take a bit off for not using the word “submissive” more often on the medical pages), and a new prescription of “Haldo-peridol” for the neurotic off-topic ranting? ;)

    If, on the other hand, the assignment was for doing a paper on the evolution of the fast food industry and its place in our culture, then I’d prolly get a bit of a lower mark. :p

    The Neuroses

    The need for accurate and readable information on this subject is pressing and, while I’m still skittish about the idea, I applaud your work.

    1) Still not going to try any exploration there yet; I’m waiting for the memories of the medical explorations to fade;

    I find myself feeling quite concerned about your experiences with healthcare professionals and your prostate.

    I’m thinking that, if I were that scared of anything going near my clitoris as a direct result of painful examinations by healthcare personnel, then I would probably consider lodging a complaint of abuse against the medical person(s) who hurt me so much.

    I find myself wondering whether you would hesitate as much to lodge a complaint if the area of your body which was so harmed by the medical people was located in a less traditionally “taboo” area.

    Unless you have another reason for not doing so which you haven’t told me about, I strongly encourage you to pursue a complaint against the medical personnel who have left you with such unacceptable and avoidable fears of harm and pain. I cannot think of a single medical procedure which legitimately should have left you feeling this way about your prostate. Kvetch recently underwent a colonoscopy and gastroscopy, and he has absolutely no after effects which relate to his prostate.

    (I appreciate that these are not necessarily the procedures you endured)

    It seems totally unreasonable that, in their possible efforts to avoid arousing you, the medical people appear to have traumatised you instead.

    Since the activities of the medical people appear to have left you significantly impeded with regards to your ability to fully use and enjoy your own body (regardless of the actual physical condition they left your body in), I would suggest that you have suffered unnecessarily and significantly enough to be compensated for what was stolen from you.

    Ok, I used your feelings as a springboard for a rant, I admit it. Yes, I dressed up my rant in a heavy disguise of personal concern for your well being. I’ll be making an appointment for my execution in the morning. Is next Thursday ok for you?

    (I did tell you this part was the neurotic part, didn’t I?)

    Ok, moving swiftly on…

    From a science standpoint, I thought you’d got almost everything spot on

    5) Your knowledge is almost flawless

    Remember those conflicting neuroses I mentioned? I know I covered this part above in the “Positives” section, but I also had some other responses. Like, hey, how come I’ve got “almost” everything spot on, and my knowledge is “almost” flawless?? Where’s the errors? What’s flawed? What’s up with that? Hey!!!

    I mean, rationally, I reckon you’re just covering your arse here, just in case I’ve made some errors or omissions which you haven’t caught, since you’re not a medical person yourself either.

    And partly I’m really wondering what errors/omissions I might have made so I can go fix them (because I really do care very much about being accurate and complete).

    And this is why this is the “Neuroses” section and not the “I’m Such A Poster Child For Mental Health” section. :)

    normally … I’d end with a grade and doing that here would be a bit patronizing wouldn’t it?

    Well… as long as the grade is absolutely guaranteed to be a super duper top-looper A-plusity-plusity-plusathon, then by all means, do give it a grade, that wouldn’t be in the least patronising. :D

    But if you have any deductions at all, then obviously a grade would be no fun whatsoever as I’d be wondering where I went wrong, plus I’d be neurotically fuming at you, cos who do you think you are anyhow, grading my work, you, you CRITIC!?

    So, you were really smart not to grade me in the first place, see?

    And there’s my personal validation for you not grading. :D


    – Loved your comment, read it tonnes of times, will prolly read it tonnes more times

    – Validation, yay!

    – I feel all noble and successful in my efforts and stuff

    – Newsflash – Lubyanka is neurotic, somebody alert the media

    – Go complain and make the medical profession validate you by acknowledging that your prostate suffering is real, and that they harmed you excessively and unnecessarily

    – “Almost” doesn’t mean “insufficient” (even if my neuroses say it does)

    – I is (almost) teh Postah Chile for teh Mental Health ZOMG!

    – You were smart not to grade me, cos I might’ve got kinda neurotic and called you names (like “critic”)

    Thank you very much for the applause and validation. And the yummy re-readable comment. It’s so delicious that you actually took the time to do that! :D

    xx Lubyanka. :)

  6. I’ve had a wee bit of the old ‘puter problem recently, so I only just got round to checking. I’m glad you liked my comments and, really it was almost no trouble at all to comment on such an articulate piece of writing.

    As for not grading, you know full well that my preferred style is to get people to grade themselves. It is my belief that on the whole, we are always far far too ready to accept the judgments of others and not exert our own judgments about ourselves. Morever, when we do try to judge our own efforts we are inclined to be more negative than is warranted. But that’s by the by, isn’t it?

    While I can’t answer for your neuroses, I can explain my “almosts”. Simply, it is my standard conservatism in commenting. When I was a child I had a teacher who constantly made comments like, “That was absolutely wonderful,” for work that I knew was substandard. Thus every piece of praise from her was devalued to the point of meaninglessness. As a result, I’ve never given a piece of feedback that was couched in such absolute terms and so in almost 20 years of teaching, the habit has stuck, I guess.

    So as for my commenting ability, I guess you’d have to assign the comment, “Could do better.”

    All the Best,


  7. Morarwen says:

    M’lady, just let me know if my hobbit has been behaving himself (that is, badly)… I’ll make sure he gets exactly what he deserves.

  8. While I can’t answer for your neuroses, I can explain my “almosts”. Simply, it is my standard conservatism in commenting. When I was a child I had a teacher who constantly made comments like, “That was absolutely wonderful,” for work that I knew was substandard. Thus every piece of praise from her was devalued to the point of meaninglessness. As a result, I’ve never given a piece of feedback that was couched in such absolute terms and so in almost 20 years of teaching, the habit has stuck, I guess.

    That’s very interesting. I wonder why your mitigations ended up referring to the things you were commenting about, rather than to your comments themselves?

    From a science standpoint, I thought you’d got almost everything spot on and I wish my A’ level human biologist could use technical terms with such facility.

    5) Your knowledge is almost flawless and is impressive in its depth.

    In those, you refer to my facts and knowledge as being “almost”, rather than to your response. It seems to me that your comments might more accurately reflect your intentions if you mitigate your responses to it, rather than that which you are responding to?

    For example, some alternative “almost”s, might read, instead of

    From a science standpoint, I thought you’d got almost everything spot on

    you could say

    From a science standpoint, I was pleased to note that, because I could not find any errors in your work, my pleasure in it was almost absolute

    And for this

    Your knowledge is almost flawless and is impressive in its depth.

    you might have said

    I was so impressed by the accuracy and depth of your knowledge, that I almost had tyre marks up my back.

    So I’m just saying that you might want to mitigate your own responses with your “almosts”, rather than that which you’re responding to? I mean, this is all about accuracy, right?   :)

    So as for my commenting ability, I guess you’d have to assign the comment, “Could do better.”

    If I gave you a comment like that, I don’t think I’d get the kind of response from you I usually seek. I think I might get a much more productive (and enjoyable) response from you if I awarded you this comment:

    “His ‘almosts’ are almost perfect. A wee bit of rearranging should fix them right up.
    Effort in comments – Very Good.
    Receptiveness to the essence of the lessons – Excellent.
    Interpretation and use of lesson topic in practice – Creative and Very Good.
    Amusement value – Outstanding.”

    I like my comment better.   :D

  9. just let me know if my hobbit has been behaving himself (that is, badly)… I’ll make sure he gets exactly what he deserves.

    Oh, wow, hi, and yay!!

    How lovely to finally “meet” you!

    Oooh is that an invitation to come and ponce about, and complain about how your hobbit brought me my [insert very important thing here] and how it wasn’t [insert some lacking quality here] enough?

    Or is that you looking for an excuse (as if you needed one) to exert your authority?   ;)

    I’ll be delighted to pass on to you any secrets he shares with me under cover of being published in full view on my blog.   :p

    Best regards,

    Lubyanka.   :)

    ps: Did I mention how glad I was to “meet” you?   :D

  10. tootsie says:

    Ms Lubyanka, I find your posting entitled
    Prostate Milking – The Movie extremely interesting, well written and easy to follow. The only problem i have is that my prostate was removed 2 years ago!
    Since then i have been unable to maintain an erection (actually I had problems before that, but not nearly as bad). Viagra, etc., does not help.
    I have heard that a male can be condition trained to become erect, in ways similar to your training outlined above. Are you familiar with this at all? Pavlov proved many things, so maybe his theory will work in this case. The reward, of course, is two fold: (1)my erection returns; (2) it returns only when my Owner utters the triggering phrase or word. The concept of absolute control over my sexual pleasure and relief is never more true in this case.
    If you have any ideas or suggestion, or have given thought to a training regime for this, i would be most grateful to your comments and advice.
    Regards, toots

  11. tootsie:   Pretty much the sole step I would recommend you take at this point is to see your physician and ask to get your erectile dysfunction checked out.

    Once the cause is identified, and  only  once the cause is identified, then you may explore further possibilities based on the recommendation of your physician.

    If you don’t feel comfortable discussing these topics with your physician, then get one with whom you  do  feel comfortable.

    I strongly recommend  against  proceeding without a diagnosis, or without the supervision of a physician.   Playing with mental conditioning when you don’t know what’s wrong with you physically or mentally can be very dangerous and can lead to serious problems.

    I wish you the very best of luck.

  12. Delores says:

    Thank You so very much for your time to complete this information. I have something to look forward to. Additional information concerning timing of events would be useful so the Domme can know what to expect, and when. Thanks Again,

    Del … in Toronto

  13. femsup says:

    This thesis nay opus to prostate milking is now THE definitive desrrption of how to give a sub a “gentle emission”.

    The obsessive care and attention to detail and the long drawn out description of the procedure just adds to the special nature of the writing.

  14. Mike Kennedy says:

    You have seriously impressed a fellow musician.
    Such an open mind.
    You must be some lady.
    Thanks a million

  15. TKM mike says:

    On average how long does milking take and how much is produced.
    Is the flow continuous or is it a little at a time

    • Hello Mike,

      These things vary a lot within the same individual and between different individuals. The amount of semen, the flow, and how long it takes all depend on many factors. Most usually the flow is continuous but that can vary as well as the amount and the length of time spent. In the beginning I spent hours on it, so it could take hours or minutes, depending both on the milker and the milkee.

  16. TKM Mike says:

    Hello Lady Lubyanka,
    You suggest a psecial occassion once per month.
    Is this frequency to build anticipation and hence at to the subtle dominance or is there a physical reason to limit the milking?

  17. kendra says:

    Hello Lady Lubyanka
    Thank you very much for taking the time and effort in your writing of this piece. I find it very accurate and informative and easy to follow. I can tell tell you have put in a tremendous amount of effort and work into the piece. Thank You. My Mistress and I are looking forward to practicing the techniques you have outlined. in your piece.

    Once again thank you for all that you have done.

  18. reader says:

    What a wonderful step by step. If I can find a woman to read your encouraging words to tape I might try the gental emisstion on myself. I am not sure what draws me every few months to attempt a self “Milking”. After reading what you accomplish with the conditioning I see myself slightly clearer.
    thank you for this insightful lesson.

  19. zen says:

    Thank you for your well written articles on prostate milking.

    I’m not into a submissive life style, but I do enjoy being milked nonetheless. In fact, I find explosive orgasms to be rather anti-climatic, when the male body allows for endless pleasure when done correctly.

    Your articles are informative and witty. Quite unlike the trash littering many other websites, including those trying to push ebook sales.

    I think the only thing that would make your description even better is an anatomical 3d look at the structure of the prostate and how it surrounds/connects with the urethra, etc.
    The traditional anatomical side view we so often see is a bit misleading when trying to explain to someone what to expect when they go exploring ;)

    Thank you again for your contribution to the documentation of this very neglected, but intensely pleasurable, activity.

    • Thank you very much for your kind remarks. I agree that a 3D anatomical model of the male reproductive structures would be extremely useful for helping people get started, that’s an excellent idea. Such a thing would take a lot of time and effort to create so I can’t promise anything, but I will certainly look into creating something like that.

  20. Mike says:

    Lady Lubyanka,

    First of all, another helping of thanks and congratulations on such an amazing article!

    I write to ask a few questions and seek a little advice. I have tried on many occasions to milk my own prostate using my fingers and have had little success. So far, i have been able to produce precum and a few drops of clear yet cloudy fluid. I typically wait 3 or 4 days after ejaculation to attempt it.

    Unfortunately, I find the need to be aroused before the stroking is effective, defeating the object of the exercise. It’s also a very useful source of free lubricant..

    Anyway, I was wondering if you had any tips, advice or comments on techniques, tools and such that may help the amateur self-milker?

    Thanks in advance!

    • Hello Mike,

      Thank you for your kind remarks. :)

      As for your efforts to self-milk, I recommend waiting for longer than 3 or 4 days. The more you do to create conditions in your body favourable to the prostate evacuating itself, the easier it will be to encourage your prostate to evacuate. Beginnings are usually the most difficult, so as you gain experience the milking should become easier. However, you will need to achieve that first emission before it will become easier.

      With that in mind, I recommend you refrain from any kind of ejaculation for at least 2 weeks by distracting yourself with other activities, and then try again. According to kvetch, he experiences a kind of sour crampy ache where his belly curves into his groin before he has an emission. So I suggest waiting at least until you experience an ache like that, which should be an indication that your prostate is ready to evacuate.

      As you already know, first efforts are usually the most difficult, but once you achieve that first emission you should gradually be able to increase the frequency of your emissions.

      Good luck. :)

      • Mike says:

        I think it’s a testament to your great writing style that I’m still regularly coming back to re-read these pages 4 years later. This is still easily the best guide I’ve seen on the net to date, so congratulations and well done!

        Now, given that I was 19 when I wrote the above, and considering the biology of 19-23 year old males, it probably won’t surprise you to learn that, to this day, I’ve never made it to 2 weeks without release. I’ve tried many times, but I’m invariably climbing the walls after about 3 days and contrary to what you might imagine, achieving a rock-solid erection every time you brush up against something becomes a little…problematic.

        Add to that the fact that I’ve just begun a career which requires the ability to actually concentrate on the things around me and it begins to look like I won’t be making it any time soon.

        Now, the next time I take a few weeks off work..

        Hope things are well! :)

  21. ParanoidAdventurer says:

    Wow, this section is so popular because you’ve created a real resource. So your advice to not use this method to “reduce or eliminate your submissive’s ability to ever experience pleasurable orgasms” has me wanting to know a couple of things:

    1. After training the male, are you actually able to replace the physical act of prostate milking with just the associated phrase “milking time” and then you’re done and he’s drained?

    2. How do you not run the risk of messing up the male’s ability to orgasm normally? Do you have to worry about simply overusing this technique? Do you just need to avoid giving the cue in situations where you want him to be able to orgasm normally? Or, something else?

    Thank you very much. :)

    • 1. I haven’t actually tried using that phrase alone by itself as a sole trigger – I use a complex combination of many different simultaneous elements. Besides, I have no personal interest in creating a one-phrase verbal cue because I like to keep doing the touching thing as well. :) So that’s not my thing, but I’m sure it’s do-able.

      2. I have every interest in maintaining normal orgasmic function and the only way I know of to impair that is to do so deliberately. I know that some people are into that, but trying to impair normal orgasmic function is entirely contrary to my interests and methods. Your question assumes a likelihood of the milking process impairing orgasm function, but my experience is that prostate milking and normal ejaculatory orgasm are two entirely different processes which can function separately and independently of each other. The milking cues I use are a complex combination of many different elements, so reproducing that exact combination by accident is incredibly unlikely.

      Thank you for your kind words. :)

  22. D says:

    Wow. Amazingly insightful! Thank you! I have some questions that may have been answered elsewhere but I couldn’t find any answers. Perhaps you could address my questions for me? Thank you in advance for your help.

    1.) What does the Dom wear during the procedures? Always the same outfit? Should the Dom be dressed awaiting the arrival of the box, or change after he presents her with the box?
    2.) Should the sub be naked when he presents her with the box?
    3.) Shouldn’t there be a Milking Towel or Milking Bowl used to catch what he expels?
    4.) Will or should he be erect during the procedure?
    5.) Do you talk to your sub during the procedure?
    6.) You don’t touch his penis except when he has the gentle emission?
    7.) Have him “thank you” afterwards? Maybe kiss your hand?
    8.) Can I hold him and cuddle him afterwards?

    • 1.) What does the Dom wear during the procedures? Always the same outfit? Should the Dom be dressed awaiting the arrival of the box, or change after he presents her with the box?
      If you want him to associate a specific outfit with the procedure, then choose one to always wear. Otherwise, these choices are up to you.

      2.) Should the sub be naked when he presents her with the box?
      That’s up to you. :)

      3.) Shouldn’t there be a Milking Towel or Milking Bowl used to catch what he expels?
      That’s also up to you. :)

      4.) Will or should he be erect during the procedure?
      Using this method, his penis should remain flaccid as part of his conscious relaxation of his perianal muscles.

      5.) Do you talk to your sub during the procedure?
      Yes, absolutely, encouragement and so on are very useful.

      6.) You don’t touch his penis except when he has the gentle emission?
      That’s correct.

      7.) Have him “thank you” afterwards? Maybe kiss your hand?
      That’s a good idea, and entirely up to you. :)

      8.) Can I hold him and cuddle him afterwards?

      I hope that helped. Good luck. :)

  23. D says:

    Thank you for your kind, quick response! Sorry for so many questions, but I am very interested in this procedure for my submissive boyfriend. You wrote: “Using this method, his penis should remain flaccid as part of his conscious relaxation of his perianal muscles.” But yet I know he will at least be semi-erect before we even begin. Should I wait until he subsides? Any thoughts or recommendations? Thank you again.

    • Well, the thing is, I generally encourage erections because his arousal can work so much to your advantage. I think in the beginning as you’re both getting the hang of this, semi-erect is ok. Just be aware that whilst his sexual arousal at the idea of milking is perfect for your purposes, the procedure itself really shouldn’t be, it’s more about personal intimacy.

      At the beginning when he is so turned on by this realisation of his fantasy, he will have to be remain very, very focused on his perianal relaxation in order to provide your gentle emission. And you can encourage this by remaining alert for any anal clenching on his part and to withdraw your finger immediately if you feel any. As he becomes more trained in this procedure and knows more about what to expect, you should find that after a bit of time he will naturally remain flaccid before the procedure.

      Your early attempts may conclude with dry emissions or none at all, and that’s perfectly fine and normal. In my opinion what you both learn about his body, his anti-clench training, and the bonding time you share together during the procedure are all well worth the investment of a bit of time and energy. This training is meant to benefit both of you – it’s a tricky procedure to get right, and the great thing is, it sure is fun to practice! :)

      I hope you’ll let me know how you get on. I’m delighted to know this has been useful to you. :)

      • Oh, one more thing – if you do choose an outfit you want him to associate with the milking, I recommend that you choose one to wear  only  for the procedure and at no other times.

        Ok. done now. :)

  24. D says:

    Yes, thank you. I understand about the outfit. I can’t decide if it should be something sexual or maybe a long nightgown or just a housecoat. Any thoughts?

    • If you do choose a special outfit, I think it needs to be special, regardless of whether it’s sexual or not. I also think that you might want to choose something you feel physically comfortable in, something in which you can move freely and easily, and something in which you feel confident and sexy. So whatever you choose, I think it should fit those criteria.

      Personally I might recommend wearing different things and to adopt one special item which you always wear, so that you’re not restricting an entire outfit, and so you can put on the item quickly and conveniently. Something like a silk scarf or soft woven bracelet on your non-milking hand might be suitable.

  25. D says:

    But can you tell us how you dress for the procedures? Are you ever naked when you do them? Is your sub always naked and in the same position?

  26. Tig says:

    Lady Lubyanka:

    Thank you so much for documenting your approach. This is the most informative site I’ve found on behaviour modification related to orgasm control.

  27. Betterman100 says:

    I am so excited to find your site!! My only question is, prior to beginning my training, is there any video which details the proceedures from start to end? Perhaps several shorter ones which instruct on each area (e.g., preparing the “box”, the approach, the milking techniques, culmination, behavior mods?) I’m so anxious to hear…. The search came up as the Prostate milking Video, yet I don’t see any such link. Other search results only produced skanky self-milkings. My fingers are crossed!!

    I’m looking for a way to intro my Domme to this topic; I’m very new to this also, and not too good at suggesting such things in a way which is agreeable to her. I’d SO love to go here before I’m dead.

    • I can’t provide any films and I have no links to any, unfortunately. Is there a reason why text information won’t do? I don’t know why my site comes up so high on search results for prostate milking video.

      When you say “I’m looking for a way to intro my Domme to this topic”, did you mean “I’m looking for a way to introduce this topic to my vanilla partner”? And when you say “not too good at suggesting such things in a way which is agreeable to her” did you mean “every time I want her to do me she isn’t interested”? Because if your partner was already your dom, then she’d know for herself what she did and didn’t want to do instead of having you tiptoeing round tentatively trying to get her to do you.

      I have a feeling that a prostate milking video would put most vanilla women off anyhow – text is probably better. Having said that, I think that prostate milking works best for established d/s relationships, and not so well for budding d/s relationships. Remember, prostate milking won’t work for you anyhow if your wife isn’t taking charge of it, so learning to take charge and enjoy herself is the first step, before finding out what she likes.

      If I were you I’d totally forget about servicing your boner for the moment and focus on doing things which make her feel good. If you make her feel good she’s more likely to be interested in rewarding you. Remember that sexuality on the internet tends to exclude what women want, so what you learn about sex on the internet is most likely to put your partner right off (as you have already discovered). Your wife is not a sex worker so your sexual expectations from the internet are wrong for her.

      Once you have firmly established a pattern of making her feel good and she can believe in your motivations, she may be more interested in proceeding further towards servicing your boner. Good luck.

    • Oh, another reason why I suspect you may be deluded about sexuality from the internet, your request for videos was outrageous! “My only question is, prior to beginning my training, is there any video which details the proceedures from start to end? Perhaps several shorter ones which instruct on each area (e.g., preparing the “box”, the approach, the milking techniques, culmination, behavior mods?)”

      I am a private individual with a blog. I have already been kind enough to take two months out of my life to document my prostate milking method on 14 web pages including health and safety tips for your benefit, and all available to you free of charge. And now you are asking me, a private individual, to service you further by taking additional weeks, possibly months out of my schedule to make films for you?

      Fuck that. I can see why your approach might be unattractive to your partner. Focus on making your wife feel good, or give it up and hire a sex worker to do you. But I think your most urgent priority right now is to re-orient your sexual expectations to recognise that sex workers as portrayed on the internet are completely different and separate from the wants, needs, and interests of real actual women.

      You want a way forward? Leave your boner right out of this and re-educate yourself about what your wife actually wants and enjoys. I suspect that education will take some time, so put that boner down and get going.

  28. Shy Satyr says:

    Thanks for the information, love to learn more…

  29. Jason says:

    Hello….and wow.
    I am really impressed by the depth of attention to detail in your epic description of milking. The people in your life are incredibly lucky to have you…Have them (uhhh…) Anyway, I found the literature very user friendly and “laugh out loud” witty. I use the cliche itself whilst wincing on the inside and my ONLY defense is to say that at least I didn`t use the too oft abbreviated version….I digress.
    About me,I am a recent curious convert to the joys of anal play and have purchased a couple of vibes after getting over the initial stigma. The more I learn,the more I want to learn. I never would have thought that the d/s lifestyle might be something I would be interested in but your article left me feeling something more along the lines of ..”if only.” It`s too bad there is so much of the angry “I`m gonna beat your ass” style of advertising on the internet. I think there`s room for everyone and I`m definately pro kink, but the first thing I thing I will have my next lady friend read will be your email address and blog!! Thankyou so much for the time and effort that you obviously cared enough to donate for the sake of educating those like myself that have been left in the dark…about the joys of playing where the sun doesn`t shine( oops -did it again…I can`t help it) At 43,I certainly qualify as a late bloomer but there is no equalizer like enthusiasm. I have a fantastic sex life that is very accepting, supportive, adventurous and open minded…now I`m actively seeking some special lady to share that with….!! Wish me luck, in the meantime I`m a scampering off home to play in the shower and exploring I will go!!!

  30. Pingback: Introduction To Prostate Milking | Lady Lubyanka

  31. TJ says:

    Lady Lubyanka,

    Thank You for this very descriptive information about milking. A male sub mentioned this to me and I just had to educate Myself. I hope to train a sub the art of gentle emission.


  32. Jon says:

    Thank you Miss for putting in such effort, I only wish I had a dominant to try this :) Jon x

  33. Tony says:

    Let me echo the appreciation. Your effort to share and educate are very much appreciated.

  34. Anonymous says:

    an awesome post /…..

  35. YogaGuy says:

    Thanks for the detailed article, Lady Lubyanka! I love milking my own prostate with the Aneros massager. I discovered the “gentle emission” on accident and it is really a lovely sensation.. very delicate and deep feeling. I didn’t know exactly what it was until I read this article. The fluid is clear, sweet and delicious. I would love to meet a woman skilled at milking me and drinking the milk, it would be very sweet and intimate indeed!

  36. Hot Guy says:

    truly a great article and writing ..never have i seen any more detailed there a video here somewhere ?..if so can someone please post or re-post the link>>thank you

  37. Mika_Onida says:

    Thanks for a truly interesting article. I didn’t even know such a thing existed before. I followed a link to your blog from FL and after snooping around a few pages I made it to this very lengthy and very awesome series of posts.

    Thank you for taking the time and effort to put everything in one easy to find place. I’m going to bookmark it for future reference.

  38. Dave says:

    What is the reasoning for massaging on the sides and not the in the middle where the nerves are? Wouldn’t it feel better to massage where the most nerves are at?

    Thank you for sharing all this information!

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